This month our AHA! partners are offering a variety of both virtual and IRL (in-real-life) programs.
Look for the Virtual and IRL icons to help you plan your AHA! activities.
Click For Tips To Help Get The Most Out Of Your Vaha! Experience
Find archived programming from the October (V)AHA! on our Connect From Your Couch page.
AHA! In The Afternoon
Our downtown New Bedford museums, galleries and institutions are welcoming back visitors.
Visit their websites for more info about current hours, programs, exhibits and COVID19 safety protocols.
New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Open on AHA! 10am – 4pm
Plus IRL AHA! programming from 5:30-7pm (see listing below)
Click For More Info
New Bedford Port Society
including Seamen’s Bethel & Mariner’s Home
Open on AHA! 10am – 4pm
Click For More Info
New Bedford Farmers Market in Custom House Park
Open 2-6pm
Click For More Info
New Bedford Whaling Museum
Open on AHA! 10am – 4pm with reserved timed admission
Click For More Info
New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park
Open on AHA! 10am – 4pm
Click For More Info
Rotch-Jones-Duff House & Garden Museum
Open on AHA! 10am – 4pm
Plus virtual AHA! programming at 5:30pm (see listing below)
Click For More Info
New Bedford Art Museum / Artworks!
Open on AHA! 10am-4pm with reserved timed admission
Plus IRL AHA! programming in Custom House Squre from 3-5pm
& virtual AHA! programming at 6pm (see listings below)
Click For More Info
Please consider shopping or dining in DNB throughout the day
to help support our small biz community.
Follow DNB, Inc. on Facebook /dnbinc or Instagram @dnbinc for updates about indoor and outdoor dining and retail shopping.
Celebrating your Art, History & Architecture from home?
Order up some take-out or delivery from one of your
favorite downtown eateries and enjoy all the
VAHA! programming from the comfort of your couch or yard.
Click For Dining Options
Welcome New AHA! Partner
Fortune Eye Associates
488 Pleasant Street, Suite #1
Offering eye wear frames for all ages, the highest quality and latest lens technology.
A privately owned practice with over 21 years of experience in the optical industry. Access to the state-of-art lens options that the big optical chains can not offer. Their rich environment is filled with towering ceilings, amazing decor, and positive energy which makes for a cozy area to service your needs. With a great eye for fashion, and the technical skill to find the perfect lens, helping you see is their specialty. Make an appointment today, and let them help you see the world clearly.
Subtext Bookshop
209 Union Street
Who’s ready for ‘hot apple cider and a good book’ season?
Stop by to shop the Fall Book Sale.
Play Arcade
34 Union Street
Play is an old school 80’s style Arcade offering craft-made food and beverages including many vegan options. While the games are off-limits due to COVID19 restrictions, we invite you to dine and drink at downtown New Bedford’s newest attraction. Be sure to check out the hammock seats on the roof deck complete with harbor views as well as some amazing murals created by local artists.
(V)AHA! Programs

in Custom House Park
New Bedford Farmers Market
Featuring local produce, eggs, meats, fish, jams, baked goods, flowers, and more.
All customers are required to wear a mask.
New Bedford Symphony Ochestra Pop-Up
Look for musicians playing at the market from
Join the artMOBILE from 3-5pm
Look for the purple van with experienced artists and fun art activities for you! The artMOBILE travels the South Coast to lead art workshops and hand-out specially designed art kits.

5pm on Facebook
VAHA! Mini-Concert
hosted by Scott Bishop
Tune in for this mini-concert featuring
3 South Coast-based artists playing
original music:
Yaya Ortiz
Click For Sound Cloud
Follow on Instagram
Butch McCarthy
A singer/songwriter from New Bedford, Massachusetts. He has been performing throughout New England since the 1970s with various bands and solo. His latest release is 2019’s Little Things, his first solo album since ‘No More’ in 2016, with eight newly penned songs backed up with a talented array of local Southern New England musicians. He performs solo and occasionally with his quartet The Gentlemen of Leisure.
Click For Artist Website
Follow On Facebook
Candida Rose
A second generation, Cape Verdean-American, born and raised in New Bedford, Massachusetts, the cradle of Cape Verdean-American history. She is a vocalist, entertainer, songwriter, educator, mother and grandmother. in addition to her work with various jazz, R&B, and Cape Verdean musical groups, Candida spends her days traveling the SouthCoast region of Massachusetts and Rhode Island as a Life Enrichment Entertainer performing for Nursing Home, Assisted Living and Adult Day Care facilities, as well as for various senior groups and associations.
Follow On Facebook

at The Alison Wells Gallery
6 Year Anniversary & Annual Gallery Sale
Enjoy live steel pan music outside the gallery with “El Caribe” playing some sweet island vibes from 6-7pm. Wear a mask and safely celebrate!
**Studio Sale continues Friday 10-9 – Sunday 10/11 from noon-5pm

5-7pm at Pilgrim UCC
Annual Pumpkin Decorating
Swing by for some socially distanced pumpkin decorating in the Parking Lot behind the Church (635 Purchase Street).

at The Drawing Room
Art in Tune:
Symphony, Champagne & Flowers
Stop by for:
– An outdoor performance by members of the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra
– Champagne Method tasting with Corey Nuffer of Westport Rivers
– A pop-up flower sale with Bella Flower Truck (5:30-7pm)

5-8pm at South Coast Surface Design
Silk-Screen Printing Demonstration
with artist Deborah Baronas
In celebration of American Craft Week, stop in for a silk-screen printing demonstration and a chance to try it out for yourself.
No reservations required, there will be a sign-up at the door for timeslots if needed.
South Coast Surface Design’s Featured Artist, Deborah Baronas, will be participating in this fun quick demo and available for questions about her current show, “Art as Process, Process as Art”. Deborah Baronas is a well know Textile Artist, and printed fabric is her primary medium for installation exhibits and priivate commissions. Deborah began her career as a professional Textile Print Designer in Rhode Island and California.
at Gallery X
Preview of New Deadford: The Prologue
The apocalypse never looked so good especially right here in our neighborhood. Come see the actual painted canvas panels and meet the graphic novel creator of NEW DEADFORD: THE PROLOGUE, Fitzcarmel LaMarre.
Preview of Goth-X
An open exhibition of works interpreting the ideas and themes of Halloween, the Autumnal Equinox, and anything and everything in between. You can also view this exhibit virtually at

5:30pm on Zoom
Dr. Marie Equi and the Suffrage Movement
hosted by the Rotch-Jones-Duff Museum
& the NB Whaling Museum
Who is Dr. Marie Equi? Did you know New Bedford had a suffrage march on 8th Street? Equi has gained attention lately given her role as an activist in the suffrage movement and her inclusion in New Bedford’s Lighting the Way tour.

5:30-7pm at
NB Fishing Heritage Center
Portuguese Fado Music
with Anna Vinagre & Company
The performance will take place in the Fishing Heritage Center’s parking lot.
Masks and social distancing will be required.
Ana Vinagre is one of the area’s best known, and most respected Fadistas. Born in Portugal, she immigrated to New Bedford as a young woman with her husband Jose. Both had been members of folkloric dance and music ensembles and they have continued to perform at area Portuguese restaurants, community events, and in festivals and concerts around the nation. They take great pride in their culture and enjoy teaching American audiences about the tradition of Fado music, a genre that developed in the port city of Lisbon and was performed at waterfront clubs and bars frequented by sailors and seamen.
6-7pm on Zoom
Pre-Registration Required
Inside Out Curator Talk:
The First Hundred Years
Hosted by the NB Whaling Museum
Every artifact, every document, every photograph; even the buildings that house the Whaling Museum have a story to tell. Take a guided tour through time to witness some of the changes that have taken place since the museum was founded in 1903.
at Interwoven Gallery
Open House at Interwoven
Join Artist Rhonda M Fazio of Dyer Maker Studio as she introduces “Interwoven” a craft maker space and gallery located at 634 Pleasant St. Rhonda will demonstrate and storytell the art of natural dyeing and weaving. Stop in and try your hand at the loom. And remember, the origin of the “maker” begins with the hands.
at Play Arcade
Opening Reception for art by Frosty Rhino
Frosty Rhino Gallery was founded by local New Bedford artist Joshua Bjornson and is located in the Killburn Mill.
Play Arcade is an old school 80’s style Arcade offering craft-made food and beverages including many vegan options. Be sure to check out the hammock seats on the roof deck complete with harbor views as well as some amazing murals created by local artists.
Virtual Fun with NBAM

6pm on Facebook
Entropy Installation Conversation
with Stacy Latt Savage
Stacy Latt Savage and her ongoing installation Entropy are back!
Join Stacy live from the New Bedford Art Museum to talk about her ever-changing installation.

7pm on Facebook
New Museum Dog Episode
Museum Dog, Creative Canine, and Bark Ranger are back for a very special Halloween episode! Join these furry friends as they explore the Rotch-Jones-Duff House and Garden Museum, learn about shapes, and overcome some fears.

6:30pm on Zoom
Dave Cole: New Landscapes
Online Reception live from the
UMass Dartmouth CVPA Star Store
The College of Visual and Performing Arts at UMass Dartmouth is proud to present a new site-specific installation by New York artist Dave Cole. His work created with new and repurposed construction materials is timely and surprising with dark undertones and redefines viewers‘ relationship with the gallery space.

7:30pm in the Whale’s Tooth Parking Lot
The Z Drive-In presents Get On Up
Chadwick Boseman electrifies as James Brown in this exhilarating biopic! Based on the incredible life story of the Godfather of Soul, Get On Up gives a fearless look inside the music, moves and moods of James Brown, taking audiences on the journey from his impoverished childhood to his evolution into one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Chadwick Boseman stars as Brown, and is joined by Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Nelsan Ellis, Jill Scott, Craig Robinson, and Dan Aykroyd in the Tate Taylor-directed drama. Rating: PG-13

7:30pm On Zoom
Anomaly Poetry Open Mic Hang out on ZOOM with your friendly neighborhood poets.
Celebrate American Craft Week In New Bedford
October 2-11
Open House at Rotch-Jones-Duff Museum
Saturday, October 3, 10am–4pm
Explore the mansion and current exhibition, Sewful Work. Exhibiting artist, Faith Baci, will be doing a tatting demonstration from 11am to 1pm. Call ahead to schedule your visitation time.
Click For More Info
Sewful Work includes examples of hand needlework that date from the early 19th century to the present. In this display, the viewer will find historic samplers; a silk bed covering owned by William Rotch, Jr.’s daughter, Sarah Rotch Arnold; tatting; and tambour and traditional embroidery.
Check out the large crafts collections at the New Bedford Whaling Museum.
Open with timed admission.
Click For More Info
View the PopUp Studios at New Bedford Art Museum / Artworks!
Open with timed admission.
Click For More Info
Have an idea for some virtual programming you’d like to bring to the party?
Have some tips or tricks you can share about virtual event best practices?
Need help navigating this new frontier of tech connecting?