Puzzical Chairs & Pops

What happens when art meets puzzles, pops, and musical chairs? 


It’s an intergenerational, interactive, inspiring, family-friendly, and FREE experience happening on William Street, across from The Drawing Room from 5–7 p.m.

Participants will be matched with an initial puzzle partner to assemble an original Sarah Jane Lapp 24-piece jigsaw puzzle for the duration of a song. When the song changes, partners and puzzles change, too! Live music will be provided by local Middle-Eastern blues innovators, Skyjelly, and delicious Sorbae frozen pops will be provided for the first 100 puzzlers. 

Yes, you read that right. FREE POPS.

Puzlkind Jigsaw Puzzles (Providence producer Rani MacNeal and Seekonk artist/Brown University graduate Sarah Jane Lapp) create these unique community events to foster new neural and social connections for folks of all ages wishing to have a real-life experience that delights the senses and stimulates the mind. 

This Puzzical Chairs & Pops event is being hosted by The Drawing Room, AHA! New Bedford, and New Bedford Creative.