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2nd Thursday
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Please Credit “Photo: AHA! New Bedford & Ethan DeAguiar”
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How to Get the Most for Your AHA! Buck
Are you an AHA! partner or community collaborator wondering how to increase your visibility, foot traffic or sales on AHA! Nights?
That AHA! is an over 50% Word-Of-Mouth Brand?
Not only do we think that’s a pretty good achievement but it’s also really cost effective. When we consider AHA!’s brand recognition in relation to how much we spend on marketing hard costs it seems to be a formula worth considering. AHA! is all about buzz, electronic and one-to-one outreach—that along with co-branding with our partners has been enormously effective.
That 27% of visitors on any given AHA! Night are new?
They may be new to New Bedford, new to AHA! or new to you. No matter what, AHA! Night is a great time to introduce yourself to new and diverse audiences.
Here’s a few helpful hints to help you grow your AHA! audience:
#1 Programming Attracts Audience
People like to go to events, they like to be entertained and engaged. Once you have them through the door with your AHA!mazing programming then they become brand invested and likely to return in the future, wallets in hand, as well as jumping on that Word of Mouth bandwagon.
#2 Early Bird Gets The Promo
The sooner you send your monthly programming the sooner your info will be included in our e-blasts and on the AHA! website. Want to be included in the AHA! press release? Send your info at least 2 weeks before the event. First Friday of the month is the deadline to make it on the printed Night of Schedule. We will always make our best effort to include you wherever and whenever we can.
#3 Full Court Press
The AHA! press release promotes the event as an overall destination. With so much happening every month we never know what will get included & what will get chopped. Sending out press releases specifically about your programming is a great way to increase your chance of getting some ink. Be sure to include that your event is happening on AHA! Night, New Bedford’s FREE 2nd Thursday art & culture celebration.
#4 Tag, You’re It
Tagging AHA! in social media posts increases the chances that we will see, repost & tag you on our networks. Tag @ahanewbedford on Facebook & Instagram as well as #ahanewbedford and #ahanight.
#5 If You Post It, They Will Come
Not only are on-line calendars a quick & cost effective way to get your brand & event out to an audience that is actively look for new and interesting things to do but it also helps with Search Engine Optimization by linking directly to your site. Win & Win! Make sure to include that your event is happening on AHA! Night, New Bedford’s FREE 2nd Thursday art & culture celebration.
#6 Share & Share Alike
We can’t be everywhere on AHA! Night but we are always excited to share great pics, quotes, stories or whatever creative content you can come up with! If we include it as part of our overall promotion strategy that equates to more views for you.
#7 Co-Brand Like A Boss
Including your AHA! programming on your website and in your newsletters? Be sure to include that your event is happening on AHA! Night, New Bedford’s FREE 2nd Thursday art & culture celebration.